GEMBA Note is also a collaborative editor that allows team members to edit the same note in real time using different devices.
To get started with the Share function, a standard note (.dydoc format file) should be converted to a Share Note (*.dyshare format file).
Open a target note to be shared and tap > [Create Share Note] on the Top Bar.
The Create Share Note dialog appears.
In order to make a speech or presentation, you can take control of a Share Note to let participants show a specific place of a page.
While the current presenter controls the note, any other participant (except Scribe users) cannot change the screen.
To take control of the current meeting, please tap [Share] on the top bar menu > [Become Presenter].
If you are the current presenter of a meeting, you can control the Share Note.
What you can do ares follows:
Each participant of the meeting sees the same area of the same page.
If you become a Scribe, you will be able to go wherever you want and edit what you want.
This function allows you to add more things to the current note while any other presenter speaks under control of the note.
When you tap [Share] > [Leave Presenter] you are no more current presenter. It allows other participants to see what they want.
Basic Editing
Effective Editing
Voice Recording
Managing Pages
Organizing Notes
Using Tags
Sharing Notes