ATTENTION: Product Termination Notice
To Our Valued Customers,
MetaMoJi Corporation are announcing that our product, "7notes with mazec", is being terminated on May 7, 2020 .
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to our customers who have used 7notes with mazec.
In order to fulfil your requirements beyond this product’s discontinuation, we have a number of alternative applications available.These can be found on your devices app store.
We look forward to your continued use of MetaMoJi products.
Yours sincerely,
Global Support Team, MetaMoJi
You can take a note any time, anywhere at a moment with handwriting. You can edit and decorate handwriting sentences later as you want. Smooth inking and auto scroll, feed features provide outstanding note taking experience.

7notes has a state-of-the-art handwriting recognition engine which allows you to change your handwriting to text messages. 7notes also has various exporting features to e-mail, Evernote, Facebook and Twitter, etc.

With 7notes, your android tablet and smartphone becomes the best notepad you can carry anytime, anywhere. Good-bye dead trees.

7notes mazec-
Handwriting input method
available in other
- Stroke input with smooth inking
- Real time conversation from handwriting
- Software keyboard with
predictive engine
Create and manage notes
- Create and edit a note
- Post conversion of sentences
written in scroll mode - Template
- Auto scroll and feed to support
input - Alert to open a memo at the specified date and time
Export to other application
- Evernote
MetaMoJi provides applications on smartphones and tablet devices by eliminating barriers between devices and users. MetaMoJi provides innovative applications with both a comfortable feeling by analog experience and convenience with digital technology. MetaMoJi contributes to the advancement of human beings by providing applications which enable users to collect knowledge, write documents, organize ideas and share them with others.
Please visit the corporate site for more information.